Are Your Women's Health Skills Ready for Your Rotation?

Dominate the Vast Field of OB/GYN & Ace Your Rotations

Tap into 10+ Years of OB/GYN Expertise: Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC & Active Preceptor, Shares Everything You Need to Thrive in Your Clinicals and Practice.

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As an NP student about to start your Women’s Health rotation, you might begin to feel restless, tense, and dreadful about the vast field you’re about to enter. 

Your mind races as you review your OB/GYN textbooks for the hundredth time. Contraceptive options, common gynecological problems, obstetrics, common OB problems, and cesarean section: the sheer volume of information feels like it's going to burst out of your head.

How will you ever remember it all when face-to-face with actual patients?

Without the right preparation, you risk:

  • Freezing up during crucial moments with patients
  • Making rookie mistakes that undermine your confidence

  • Missing critical diagnoses due to oversight

  • Struggling to explain complex concepts to patients

  • Failing to make a strong impression on your preceptors

Just think about these scenarios:

  • A 28-year-old woman asks about her contraceptive options. Your mind goes blank as you try to recall the pros and cons of each method.

  • During a prenatal checkup, you're asked to interpret an abnormal lab result. You stumble over your words, unsure of the implications.

  • A pregnant patient calls with symptoms of preeclampsia. You're unsure about the proper triage questions and when to advise immediate medical attention.

  • A patient requests STI testing. You're uncertain which tests to order and how to counsel the patient about prevention.

  • A new patient arrives for her first gynecological visit. You struggle to ask the right questions to obtain a comprehensive gynecological history.

These aren't just hypothetical situations. They are real scenarios you might encounter if you enter your rotations unprepared.

But what if you could walk into your Women's Health rotation with the confidence of a seasoned pro?

If you’re here, it means that you’re about to start your Psychiatric Health rotation! As you begin this Psychiatric Care journey, you might feel excited but apprehensive.

It's normal to have mixed emotions. You may be eager to learn and grow but also worried about the unknown and whether you're fully prepared.

Whether you're an NP specializing in Psychiatric Care or not, you might be tempted to disregard this experience, thinking it's irrelevant to your chosen field. 

But the truth is, psychiatric issues are EVERYWHERE!

As a future Nurse Practitioner, you'll encounter patients struggling with mental health concerns regardless of your specialty. Whether you're treating a child with anxiety in a pediatric setting, supporting a new mother with postpartum depression in an OB/GYN clinic, or caring for an elderly patient with Schizophrenia in a geriatric practice, psychiatric issues will be an integral part of your daily practice.

Mastering the skills to recognize, assess, and address mental health concerns is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of providing comprehensive, holistic patient care. 

Failing to do so can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate treatment plans, and suboptimal patient outcomes. It's not enough to simply refer patients to mental health specialists; as a care provider, you must be equipped to handle these concerns head-on.

The good news is that we created a FREE guide to empower you to thrive in this rotation and beyond.



Our Women’s Health Guide

Your Women's Health rotation has the potential to be one of the most rewarding experiences in your NP education. It offers the chance to witness the miracle of life, empower women in their healthcare decisions, and possibly uncover a passion that will shape your future career. 

That’s why we want you to step in prepared and confident in your skills and knowledge so you can provide the best possible care to women in need.

Start Your Women’s Health Rotation Confidently

Jacqueline’s Handbook Will Empower You to…

Build Confidence When Performing OB/GYN Exams

Learn to conduct histories and physical assessments with the poise of a seasoned professional, putting both you and your patients at ease.

Build Confidence When Performing OB/GYN Exams

Provide Peace of Mind to Your Patients

Master the latest GYN preventative care guidelines, and you can be assured that you're providing the best possible care for every woman.

Provide Peace of Mind to Your Patients

Alleviate Anxiety in Diagnosing Gynecological Issues

Transform uncertainty into expertise. Develop the skills to diagnose and treat common gynecological problems confidently, replacing self-doubt with a sense of capable professionalism.

Alleviate Anxiety in Diagnosing Gynecological Issues

Feel Excitement about Obstetric Care

Learn to guide expectant mothers through their pregnancy journey with confidence, allowing you to appreciate the miracle of new life fully.

Feel Excitement about Obstetric Care

Face Challenges with Calm Assurance

Gain the knowledge to handle common obstetric issues with composure, giving you the peace of mind to focus on providing excellent care.

Face Challenges with Calm Assurance


Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC

Jacqueline King is the expert behind our Women's Health Guide, bringing over a decade of specialized experience in obstetrics and gynecology to this invaluable resource. As an active preceptor for NPHub, Jacqueline understands the challenges NP students face during clinical rotations.

Get Proven Strategies to Thrive In Your Next Rotation

1. Is this guide suitable for all levels of NP students or only for those with some prior experience in women's health?

This guide is designed to benefit NP students and certified NPs at all experience levels. Whether you're just starting your NP program or about to begin your Women's Health rotation, you'll find valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your skills.

2. How is this guide different from my OB/GYN textbooks?

While textbooks provide comprehensive theoretical knowledge, our guide focuses on practical applications in women's health. It bridges the gap between classroom learning and clinical practice.

3. Will this guide be relevant to my specific clinical setting, or is it too generalized?

The Women's Health Guide covers various topics relevant to various clinical settings in OB/GYN. While it provides general best practices, it also includes tips for adapting your approach to different environments

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