Want to Make Your Psych Rotation Memorable?

Become a Better, More Confident Provider with the Help of Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC

Psychiatric Issues Are Everywhere. Gain the Knowledge to Recognize and Address Mental Health Concerns and Improve the Care You Provide!

Download Our FREE Psych Guide

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If you’re here, it means that you’re about to start your Psychiatric Health rotation! As you begin this Psychiatric Care journey, you might feel excited but apprehensive.

It's normal to have mixed emotions. You may be eager to learn and grow but also worried about the unknown and whether you're fully prepared.

Whether you're an NP specializing in Psychiatric Care or not, you might be tempted to disregard this experience, thinking it's irrelevant to your chosen field. 

But the truth is, psychiatric issues are EVERYWHERE!

As a future Nurse Practitioner, you'll encounter patients struggling with mental health concerns regardless of your specialty. Whether you're treating a child with anxiety in a pediatric setting, supporting a new mother with postpartum

depression in an OB/GYN clinic, or caring for an elderly patient with Schizophrenia in a geriatric practice, psychiatric issues will be an integral part of your daily practice.

Mastering the skills to recognize, assess, and address mental health concerns is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of providing comprehensive, holistic patient care. 

Failing to do so can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate treatment plans, and suboptimal patient outcomes. It's not enough to simply refer patients to mental health specialists; as a care provider, you must be equipped to handle these concerns head-on.

The good news is that we created a FREE guide to empower you to thrive in this rotation and beyond.



Our Psychiatric Care Handbook

This invaluable resource was created by Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC, with the help of numerous Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners. Together, we want to help you navigate the waters of Psychiatric Care, bridging the knowledge gap and providing practical, actionable strategies so you can master mental health care.

Get Your FREE Copy

Here’s What You’ll Learn With Jacqueline’s Handbook…

Understand the Theories Behind Psychiatric Disorders

Learn how these conditions develop, empowering you with the knowledge to provide compassionate, informed care to your patients.

Discover the Environmental Role in Psychiatric Disorders

Understand how external factors can shape psychiatric disorders. This will give you the insight to create targeted interventions and holistically support your patients' well-being.

Build Strong Patient-Provider Relationships

Establish trust, rapport, and open communication with your patients, fostering a therapeutic alliance that enhances treatment outcomes and gives you the confidence to navigate even the most challenging cases.

Learn the Types of Psychiatric Disorders

Get a clear, concise overview of various mental health conditions, enabling you to recognize and differentiate between them easily.

Uncover the Links Between Medical Conditions and Psychiatric Symptoms

Identify and address the complex interplay between physical health and mental well-being, equipping you with the knowledge to provide truly integrated, whole-person care.

Review the 5 Most Common Psychiatric Disorders

Gain an in-depth understanding of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorder, empowering you with the expertise to manage these conditions in your future practice.


Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC

Jacqueline King is the brilliant mind behind our Psychiatric Care Rotation Guide. With over 14 years of clinical experience in women's health and as an OB/GYN nurse practitioner, Jacqueline is a true expert. 

Of course, Jacqueline’s expertise goes beyond the field of OB/GYN. While Jacqueline may not practice in a psychiatric office, she’s used her knowledge and skills in psychiatric care to become a better NP and provide better health outcomes for her patients by addressing mental illness.

Become a Better Provider

Trusted by...

You're an NP student about to start your Psychiatric Care rotation. You want to feel confident and prepared to excel in this challenging and rewarding experience.

You're an NP student who wants to gain a competitive edge in your future job search by mastering the essential skills and knowledge required for recognizing and addressing mental health concerns in any patient population.

You're an NP student who has already completed the Psychiatric Care rotation but wants to refine your skills and knowledge to provide even better patient care, regardless of your chosen specialty.

You're an NP student or practicing NP, whether in psychiatric care or another specialty, who recognizes the importance of mental health in overall well-being and wants to be a leader in providing integrated, whole-person care to your patients.

You're an NP student or practicing NP who wants to develop strong, trust-based relationships with your patients. You understand that mastering mental health care is critical to holistic care.

Who’s This Handbook For?

Stay on track towards Graduation

We’re here to help you!
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you 
within an hour.

1. How will this guide help me excel in my Psychiatric Care rotation?

This guide will help you excel in your Psychiatric Care rotation by providing a comprehensive overview of the most common psychiatric disorders, actionable strategies for assessment and treatment, and insights on building strong patient-provider relationships. It will empower you to navigate this specialty with confidence.

2. As an NP student or practicing NP in a specialty other than psychiatric care, how can this guide benefit me in providing comprehensive care to my patients?

This guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to recognize and address mental health concerns in your patients. It will enable you to provide holistic care and improve overall patient outcomes.

3. How does the expertise of Jacqueline King make this guide a valuable resource compared to other available materials?

Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC, has over 14 years of clinical experience and a passion for personalized care. As a family APRN, she understands the importance of psychiatric care and will provide you with the foundational knowledge needed to excel in your psych clinicals and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re here, it means that you’re about to start your Psychiatric Health rotation! As you begin this Psychiatric Care journey, you might feel excited but apprehensive.

It's normal to have mixed emotions. You may be eager to learn and grow but also worried about the unknown and whether you're fully prepared.

Whether you're an NP specializing in Psychiatric Care or not, you might be tempted to disregard this experience, thinking it's irrelevant to your chosen field. 

But the truth is, psychiatric issues are EVERYWHERE!

As a future Nurse Practitioner, you'll encounter patients struggling with mental health concerns regardless of your specialty. Whether you're treating a child with anxiety in a pediatric setting, supporting a new mother with postpartum depression in an OB/GYN clinic, or caring for an elderly patient with Schizophrenia in a geriatric practice, psychiatric issues will be an integral part of your daily practice.

Mastering the skills to recognize, assess, and address mental health concerns is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of providing comprehensive, holistic patient care. 

Failing to do so can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate treatment plans, and suboptimal patient outcomes. It's not enough to simply refer patients to mental health specialists; as a care provider, you must be equipped to handle these concerns head-on.

The good news is that we created a FREE guide to empower you to thrive in this rotation and beyond.