Want to Mentor NP Students? 

But You’re Anxious About Precepting?

Discover the Secrets to Becoming a Confident, Impactful NP Preceptor

Learn Jacqueline King’s Formula: Defeat Imposter Syndrome, Foster an Inspiring Learning Space & Shape the Next Gen of NPs

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As an experienced NP, you know your clinical skills inside and out. Whether it's managing complex patient cases, dealing with unexpected emergencies, or navigating the intricacies of administrative work, you’ve mastered it ALL!

But when it comes to mentoring students, you find yourself hesitating. Feeling apprehensive about taking students because you’re not sure you know enough… 

Your confidence in your clinical work doesn't quite translate to this new role of mentor and guide. You find yourself wondering: 

If you’re here, it means that you’re about to start your Psychiatric Health rotation! As you begin this Psychiatric Care journey, you might feel excited but apprehensive.

It's normal to have mixed emotions. You may be eager to learn and grow but also worried about the unknown and whether you're fully prepared.

Whether you're an NP specializing in Psychiatric Care or not, you might be tempted to disregard this experience, thinking it's irrelevant to your chosen field. 

But the truth is, psychiatric issues are EVERYWHERE!

As a future Nurse Practitioner, you'll encounter patients struggling with mental health concerns regardless of your specialty. Whether you're treating a child with anxiety in a pediatric setting, supporting a new mother with postpartum depression in an OB/GYN clinic, or caring for an elderly patient with Schizophrenia in a geriatric practice, psychiatric issues will be an integral part of your daily practice.

Mastering the skills to recognize, assess, and address mental health concerns is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of providing comprehensive, holistic patient care. 

Failing to do so can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate treatment plans, and suboptimal patient outcomes. It's not enough to simply refer patients to mental health specialists; as a care provider, you must be equipped to handle these concerns head-on.

The good news is that we created a FREE guide to empower you to thrive in this rotation and beyond.


• Do I have what it takes to teach someone else? 

• What if I can't answer all their questions?

• What if I make a mistake while they're watching? 

• How do I translate my experience into teachable tips and hacks? 

• How can I create a learning environment without compromising patient care?

You're used to making split-second decisions, but now you must slow down and explain your thought process. Your efficient workflow suddenly feels disrupted as you try to incorporate teaching moments.

The administrative tasks of precepting feel like a whole new job on top of your already demanding role. You want to pay it forward to help mold the next generation of NPs. But you fear falling short, failing your students, and your patients.

What if there was a way to bridge this gap between your clinical expertise and your role as a preceptor? A guide to transform your years of experience into impactful teaching moments without sacrificing the quality of patient care or your sanity?

Introducing our FREE Handbook on

How To Be An Effective Preceptor

This FREE guide is your roadmap to becoming an inspiring Nurse Practitioner preceptor. Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC, distills 15 years of nursing and precepting experience into practical, easy-to-implement strategies so you can transform your clinical expertise into effective teaching skills. This will help you create an enriching learning environment for NP students, while maintaining excellent patient care.

As a seasoned NP specializing in obstetrics & gynecology, Jacqueline has been on both sides of the preceptor-student relationship and understands your unique challenges. Her insights will help you overcome imposter syndrome, streamline your teaching approach, and inspire the next generation of Nurse Practitioners.

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With Jacqueline King’s Guidance, You Will:

Master the Art of Effective Mentorship

By learning how to establish a learning environment and tailor your teaching approach, you'll be able to:

  • Create a supportive atmosphere that encourages learning and growth

  • Adapt your teaching style to suit different students' needs and learning preferences

  • Communicate complex clinical concepts clearly and effectively

  • Transform everyday clinical situations into valuable teaching moments

Build Confidence When Performing OB/GYN Exams

Transform Students into Valuable Team Members

Build Confidence When Performing OB/GYN Exams

Through strategies for assigning responsibility, providing feedback, and fostering independence, you'll:

  • Gradually increase student involvement in patient care, enhancing their skills while maintaining safety

  • Offer constructive feedback that motivates and guides improvement

  • Guide students from observation to active participation and eventually to independent practice

  • Develop students who can contribute meaningfully to your practice and patient care

Overcome Personal Challenges and Enhance Your Precepting Skills

Build Confidence When Performing OB/GYN Exams

By addressing imposter syndrome and honing your communication skills, you'll:

  • Boost your confidence as a preceptor 

  • Learn to deliver concise, impactful teaching moments that fit into your busy schedule

  • Enhance your own clinical skills through the process of teaching others


Jacqueline King, APRN, FNP-BC

Jacqueline King is the expert behind "How to be an Effective Preceptor," bringing over 10 years of specialized experience in women's health to this invaluable resource. As an active preceptor for NPHub, Jacqueline intimately understands the challenges both NP students and preceptors face during clinical rotations.

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1. How long will it take me to implement these strategies in my daily practice?

Becoming an effective preceptor is an ongoing process, not an overnight transformation. This guide serves as your roadmap. However, mastering these skills takes time and practice. Use this guide as a reference throughout your journey, applying different tools as you encounter various situations. Be patient with yourself and focus on continuous growth.

2. Does the guide offer tips on handling difficult or underperforming students?

While the guide doesn't specifically focus on managing difficult students, it provides valuable insights into clear communication. These skills are crucial in preventing and addressing many common challenges with students.

3. Will this guide help me with the administrative aspects of precepting, like paperwork and evaluations?

The guide itself doesn't cover administrative tasks. However, if you’re an NPHub preceptor, we handle everything for you! Our team handles the paperwork, allowing you to focus on what you do best - mentoring and teaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

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