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As an NP student entering your Pediatric Care rotation, you're about to embark on one of your career's most privileged and impactful experiences. You'll have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and provide reassurance to anxious parents who trust you with their little ones.

However, it can also be incredibly CHALLENGING and, for most students, overwhelming. 

The transition from classroom theory to real-world practice is steep, and nothing truly prepares you for the reality of treating young patients.

Imagine these scenarios:

  • A screaming toddler refuses to let you near them for a crucial examination

  • Stressed parents demand immediate answers that you're not entirely sure how to provide

  • You struggle to recognize subtle symptoms in a patient too young to articulate their discomfort

  • The pressure mounts as you juggle multiple young patients with varying levels of distress

  • You find yourself doubting your ability to make accurate diagnoses under the watchful eyes of anxious families

Every patient interaction becomes a high-stakes challenge, and the gap between what you've learned and what you're expected to do has never felt wider.

But what if you could bridge this gap between classroom and clinic with confidence? 

What if you had a reference to help you glean the most from your clinical experience?

The best part? We just created THAT!

A FREE guide that will empower you with the knowledge you need to thrive in your Pediatric Rotation and practice.

If you’re here, it means that you’re about to start your Psychiatric Health rotation! As you begin this Psychiatric Care journey, you might feel excited but apprehensive.

It's normal to have mixed emotions. You may be eager to learn and grow but also worried about the unknown and whether you're fully prepared.

Whether you're an NP specializing in Psychiatric Care or not, you might be tempted to disregard this experience, thinking it's irrelevant to your chosen field. 

But the truth is, psychiatric issues are EVERYWHERE!

As a future Nurse Practitioner, you'll encounter patients struggling with mental health concerns regardless of your specialty. Whether you're treating a child with anxiety in a pediatric setting, supporting a new mother with postpartum depression in an OB/GYN clinic, or caring for an elderly patient with Schizophrenia in a geriatric practice, psychiatric issues will be an integral part of your daily practice.

Mastering the skills to recognize, assess, and address mental health concerns is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of providing comprehensive, holistic patient care. 

Failing to do so can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate treatment plans, and suboptimal patient outcomes. It's not enough to simply refer patients to mental health specialists; as a care provider, you must be equipped to handle these concerns head-on.

The good news is that we created a FREE guide to empower you to thrive in this rotation and beyond.


Introducing our FREE e-Book

Pediatric Primary Care Handbook

This comprehensive guide, created by Dr. Sandra Pagenta, DNP, APN-BC, a mother of two with 15+ years of clinical nursing experience, is designed to be your go-to resource for navigating the challenges of your Pediatric Care rotation and readying you to tackle any obstacles in your practice.

Pediatric healthcare can be challenging, but having a knowledgeable Pediatric Nurse Practitioner can change a child's life for years to come.

Get Your FREE Copy

Here’s What You'll Learn With Dr. Sandra Pagenta’s Handbook…

Master the Basics of Pediatric Care

  • How to obtain a detailed history specific to pediatric patients

  • Techniques for performing a thorough physical assessment on children

  • Guidelines for improving the overall patient experience

Understand Developmental Milestones

  • In-depth coverage of typical developmental milestones

  • Insights into growth and development patterns

Diagnose and Treat Common Pediatric Issues

  • Acute Otitis Media

  • Constipation

  • Upper Respiratory Infections (URI)

  • Bronchiolitis

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux

Essential Guidelines for Pediatric Patient Care

  • Strategies for conducting well checks and preventive care

  • Understanding and explaining immunization schedules

Enhance Your Clinical Skills

  • Mastering the Review of Systems (ROS) for pediatric patients

  • Techniques for presenting pediatric patient cases effectively

  • Improving communication with both young patients and their families


Dr. Sandra Pagenta

Meet Sandra Pagenta, your go-to expert and guide through the world of Nursing Practice. She holds a Doctorate in Nursing Practice and is a board-certified Advanced Practice Nurse passionate about children's health and wellbeing. 

With 15 years of clinical nursing experience, she has worked in various fields, including Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiation, Gastroenterology, and Urology. She’s also a podcast host, content creator, and speaker.

As a mother of two, Dr. Pagenta brings professional expertise and personal insight to her approach to pediatric care. She partnered with NPHub to create this guide to share her wealth of knowledge and empower you to excel in your pediatric rotation.

Get Proven Strategies To Thrive In Your Next Rotation

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1.  Is this guide suitable for NP students who have yet to start their pediatric rotation, or is it more beneficial for those with some experience?

This guide is designed for everyone! Whether you're an NP student about to start your rotation, a new NP student or even a practicing NP looking to refresh your skills and knowledge, you'll find valuable insights in this handbook.

2. Will this guide help me prepare for my clinical assessments or exams related to pediatric care?

Absolutely! The guide includes dedicated Review of Systems (ROS) and Pediatric Physical Assessment chapters, which are crucial for your clinical assessments and exams. These sections will help you build a strong foundation for your pediatric care practice.

3. How is this guide different from the textbooks or materials I use in my NP program?

While your textbooks provide comprehensive information, our guide is a quick, practical reference for pediatric care. It's designed to be easily scanned during rotations and practice, offering immediate access to key information when needed. Think of it as your pocket mentor in the clinical setting.

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Ready to Be a Guardian Angel for Children?

Become a Caring NP & Make Children and Parents Feel Supported

Set Your Pediatrics Rotation Up for Success with the Help of Dr. Sandra Pagenta, DNP, APN-BC, Experienced NP, and Mother Herself!

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